Shoppe Object Premiere Show 2018
1st floor
Metropolitan West: 639 West 46th Street New York, NY 10036
August 11-13, 2018
10 am - 7pm
THE GALLERY, New York School for the Arts
Practices in Printmaking (Group Show)
315 East 62nd Street 2nd floor
New York City
March 15 - April 12, 2018
Surrealism, A Second Look Goup Exhibition
60 Broadway Tivoli, NY
July 28 - August 20, 2017
Balsamo Antiques and Interior Design
A selection of work can be viewed at
Balsamo Antiques and Interior Design
306 East 61st street 7th floor New York, NY10065
July 2016 - Present
November 3 - 5, 2016
Robert Miller Gallery
524 W 26th St, NYC
6 panel mixed media collage, 60" x 70"
May 19 - 29, 2016
National Academy Museum,
1083 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10128.
Black and White Works on Paper
Now, Collage/mixed media, 27" x 27"
April 13 - May 8, 2016
National Academy Museum,
1083 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10128.
Fashion Emotion Discovery and Illusion Between Art and Fashion
No Place Here, Silk Aquatint, 20" x 26"
January - March, 2016
National Academy Museum,
1083 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10128.
Creativity, Productivity & Order, Triptych of Mono prints,
each print 22" x 30"
May 16 - 24, 2015
National Academy Museum,
1083 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10128.
Paper Trail presents Works On Paper
August 2 - 29, 2014
Paper Trail, Montgomery Row,
6423 Montgomery Street Rhinebeck, NY 12572.
View #3, Mono print, 11” x 15"
May 15 - 18, 2014,
National Academy Museum,
1083 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10128.

Look Down, 2016, 22" x 30", Somerset blush printing paper